Research Projects in North America
Emerging Markets Research Project 
· Desk research and expert consultations on laws and government implementation of fundamental ILO conventions in 5 Latin American countries
· Carried out annually for over 5 years on behalf of Verité, with funding from the New York Public Employees’ Retirement System (NYCERS)

The Nexus of Illegal Gold Mining and Human Trafficking in Global Supply Chains
· Desk research, expert consultations, and worker interviews in illegal gold mining areas of Colombia to provide information for the report
· Carried out for Verité, with funding from the Skoll Foundation 

Research on Labor Conditions in the Colombian Coffee Sector
· Development of research methodology and tools
· Desk research, consultations with 35 experts, and 52 in-depth worker interviews in Antioquia and Caldas
· Carried out for Verité, with funding from Catholic Relief Services and a major international coffee company.

Research Projects in South America

Labor and Human Rights Risk Analysis of Ecuador’s Palm Oil Sector
· Desk research, 39 expert consultations, and 38 in-depth worker interviews in Pichincha, Esmeraldas, and Santo Domingo
· Drafting of research report on forced labor, child labor, wages, hours, discrimination, health and safety, and harm to the environment and indigenous communities 
· Translation of final report into Spanish
· Carried out for Verité, with funding from Humanity United

Research on Human Trafficking in the Ecuadoran Seafood Sector
· Desk research, expert consultations, and worker interviews in Manabi, Guayas, and the Galapagos Islands
· Focus on human trafficking risk among Ecuadorans and Colombian migrants in illegal fishing, shrimp farming, and seafood processing and packaging plants
· Informed the development of Seafood Compliance Tools for the Responsible Sourcing Tool
Carried out for Verité, with funding from the U.S. Department of State
· Carried out for Verité with funding from Humanity United.

Examples of research projects undertaken by REACH and its Director include:

Research Projects in Central America 

Emerging Markets Research Project 
· Desk research and expert consultations on laws and government implementation of fundamental ILO conventions in 5 countries in Latin America
· Carried out annually for over 5 years on behalf of Verité, with funding from the New York Public Employees’ Retirement System (NYCERS)

Risk Analysis of Indicators of Forced Labor and Human Trafficking in Illegal Gold Mining in Peru
· Desk research and two rounds of field research (worker and expert interviews) in illegal mining areas and workers’ communities in Madre de Dios, Cusco, Arequipa, and Puno.
· Workshops for government and civil society stakeholders on research findings and responses to forced labor in illegal mining.
· Translation of final report into Spanish
· Funded by Humanity United and carried out for Verité

Emerging Markets Research Project 
· Desk research and expert consultations on laws and government implementation of fundamental ILO conventions in 5 countries in Latin America
·Carried out annually for over 5 years on behalf of Verité, with funding from the New York Public Employees’ Retirement System (NYCERS)